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Artemy Biryukov
Artemy Biryukov

Extract Ar 600-20 Pdf Download ((NEW))

Table of Contents Title 9. Environment Agency 25. State Water Control Board Chapter 600. Designated Groundwater Management Areas 9VAC25-600-20. Declaration of groundwater management areas.

Extract Ar 600-20 Pdf Download

Today we turn to Army Regulation 600-20, Army Command Policy, paragraph 4-6 for guidance: One of the most effective administrative corrective measures is extra training or instruction (including on-the-spot correction). For example, if Soldiers appear in an improper uniform, they are required to correct it immediately; if they do not maintain their housing area properly, they must correct the deficiency in a timely manner. If Soldiers have training deficiencies, they will be required to take extra training or instruction in subjects directly related to the shortcoming.


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